June 12th, 2008
June 12 is Philippine Independence Day, a public holiday in that country. It commemorates that day that the Philippine “Declaration of Independence” was signed following the defeat of the Spanish army by Philippine revolutionary forces under General Emilio Aquinaldo (who would become the Philippines first president).
The date is marked by patriotic speeches and parades throughout […]
By Sandy Mitchell -- 1 comment
June 11th, 2008
June 11 is Kamehameha Day in Hawaii, a public holiday that celebrates the life of the first king of a unified Hawaii. Kamehameha I, who ruled from 1782 to 1819, united the various Hawaiian islands into one kingdom in 1810. Known as the “Napoleon of the Pacific,” he is known for his advances in the […]
By Sandy Mitchell -- 0 comments
June 10th, 2008
Portugal Day
June 10 is Portugal Day. It is the Portuguese national holiday and commemorates the day the poet, Luís de Camões died in 1580. Camões penned “Lusiads,” an epic poem telling the history of Portugal.
The day is marked by music, parades, and other festivities. The celebration is not limited to Portugal. Countries with sizeable Portuguese populations, […]
By Sandy Mitchell -- 0 comments
June 8th, 2008
June 8 is World Ocean Day. This holiday started in 1992 and gives everyone an opportunity to celebrate our world ocean and our personal connection to the sea. According the the World Ocean Project, reasons to celebrate the world’s oceans include that the ocean:
Generates most of the oxygen we breathe
Helps feed us
Regulates our […]
By Sandy Mitchell -- 1 comment
June 7th, 2008
June 7 is Daniel Boone Day. It marks the day in 1769 when that explorer and woodsman entered the forests of what would become Kentucky. I set out today to find some biographical information on Boone. I found instead, the story of a man, Eustace Conway, who today lives much as Boone did, by using […]
By Sandy Mitchell -- 1 comment
June 6th, 2008
June 6 is Queensland Day in Australia. The holiday marks the anniversary of the day that Queen Victoria signed the letters patent in 1859 that created a separate state of Queensland from New South Wales.
An official holiday since 1981, Queensland Day is celebrated with parades, cook-outs, and by honoring the achievements of Queenlanders during the […]
By Sandy Mitchell -- 0 comments