My Scottie Gus Poses for Christmas Pictures
If you’ve got a Scottie, you have got to take Christmas pictures. It is just plain wrong not to. They look so wonderful against a red background. I have some I took earlier in the year with a Santa hat, but I can’t remember which computer they’re on, so we took new ones with a nice red bow. Luckily, Gus is a good sport, so there was minimal eye rolling and not too much back talk. (If you have a Scottish Terrier, you know what I mean. It’s a kind of grumbly noise that they make the whole time they’re doing something they don’t want to do or they’re trying to explain why you should chuck your laptop in the trash and never ever use it again because they want your total attention.)
Anyway, although I have two Scotties, Sophie did not get Christmas pictures because she refuses to be parted from the owl ruff of her Halloween costume. She thinks she looks super cute in it and avoids all removal attempts. She is sleeping in the crate to punish Gus for getting a photo shoot without her. It is his security spot.
Gus is not happy about the situation, but he is making do with the standard poodle’s bed. Which puts poor Rocky on the floor. (Sophie usually sleeps on a shelf under my feet, but Rocky can’t fit there.)
Photos by me.
Technorati Tags: christmas pet photos,scottie pictures,photos of scottish terriers,taking photos of dogs
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POSTED IN: Christmas
2 opinions for My Scottie Gus Poses for Christmas Pictures
Nov 22, 2008 at 7:07 pm
Love your photos. My daughter has been talking about getting her own dog for a while now. We will just have to let Santa decide. Lots of things to consider (which takes all the fun out of it). But I can look all I want at your little sweethearts.
Nov 22, 2008 at 7:14 pm
Scotties are wonderful, but they’re not easy. I think for a first time dog, they’d be overwhelming. My sister’s first dog is a cocker/king charles mix and is a lovely little girl. I had a Yorkie as a first dog when I was 12. Standard Poodles are fabulous if you don’t mind a lot of grooming. Shih Tzus and Mini Schnauzers are good, too.
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