Holiday Decorations at the Library
by Katelyn Thomas on December 19th, 2008
I love to see Christmas decorations in public places. (I have got to remember to run down and take some photos of Port Deposit. They always do such a good job.) The library went all out on decorations and I snapped a few shots of some of the things they did.
I love the creativity of this paper tree. I know. You’re gasping in horror. A precious book turned into a tree? How could a library… Hey, trees were cut down to make books. It is only right to turn books back into trees.
Hmm. Maybe I shouldn’t have used green as the vignette color. Anyway, this sign used book pages with scalloped edges and Christmas phrases printed on green paper.
Even philosophers can get into the holiday spirit.
The children’s room has a colorful display.
And, of course, we can’t forget Hanukkah!
Photos by me.
Tags: christmas display ideas, decorating for christmas, paper christmas tree
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POSTED IN: Christmas, Hanukkah