Christmas Tree Craft for Kids
by Katelyn Thomas on December 6th, 2008
Foam Christmas Tree Project
Originally uploaded by StampingMad
The little guys really love my button trees. However, they’re too young to handle hot glue. They tried various other holiday crafts, but kept coming back to “When will I be old enough?” “Am I old enough now?” “How about now?”
So, I needed to come up with a similar craft for them that didn’t involve hot glue. I was rooting around in the supply closet and came across a foam tree shape. Hmm. Maybe buttons with pins? But that only works for the first layer and the button trees have three or four layers of buttons on them.
Then, I saw my artificial flower bin. (I buy artificial flower heads in bags when I see them in the craft stores. The stores cram a bag with loose blossoms that fell off the artificial flower stems and price the whole bag at a dollar or two. The blossoms are very similar to the flowers sold for scrapbooking at a fraction of the cost.) I tried sticking a few flower heads into the foam and it worked. You’ll need the flowers that have a little plastic piece behind the blossom after they come off the big stem.
I borrowed the Christmas tree from the kids for a few minutes to show you how it looks with the first few flowers on it. As you can see, you need a lot of blossoms and they need to be really close together or the green shows through. Easy for kids to do and not terribly expensive if you pick up a bag of blossoms and a foam tree form on sale.
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