Celebrate Blogtoberfest with b5media
by Sandy Mitchell on September 30th, 2008
The b5media Lifestyles Channel is excited to announce our Second Annual Channel Wide Blogtoberfest!
Blogtoberfest will run an entire two weeks throughout our channel beginning Monday, October 6th and wrapping up Friday, October 17th.
Here’s how it will work:
Each day select blogs within the channel will post as usual, the only difference is, they’ll post our beautiful Blogtoberfest button (shown above) and a special note letting you know that it is a sponsored post. That particular post will have a secret prize assigned to it from our list of awesome prizes that will be announced prior to opening day.
All you have to do to enter to win that prize is leave a comment! That’s it! All prizes will be available to the U.S. and Canada unless otherwise noted. We do have some goodies for our global friends too!
Within a few days of leaving your comment, check back with that blog to see what the prize is and if you’re the lucky winner as well as instructions on just how to claim your prize.
Our objective is to reward our loyal readers and subscribers. Loyal readers will know when to comment, if they’ve won and how to get their prize! Pretty good, huh?
Does that sound like you? Do you want that to sound like you?
If you would like to become a loyal reader, visit our channel blogs - add them to your favorites, subscribing to their feeds and checking back are the only ways to win. And well, with the holidays just around the corner, it’s a great way to kick off your holiday shopping! For Free!
We do hope you’ll come celebrate Blogtoberfest with us!
Happy Fall Y’all
Technorati Tags: b5media Lifestyles network,Blogtoberfest,prizes,giveaways
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